Contently is the anti-content farm, a platform where real journalists can manage their freelance careers, and where brands-turned-publishers can create and manage editorial operations. They were part of the TechStars NYC Summer program and I had the opportunity to work with this amazing team.
Premium Profile Design
Contently wants to build premium profile designs for their journalists to showcase their work. They requested a unique design. I took my inspiration from isotope.js and came up with the following design. Based on the popularity of the article, it would receive a larger bounding box.
Icon Design
Contently wanted an icon for their Twitter feed, so I tried my hand at visual. I drew some initial sketches before we decided on an iOS style keyboard using the letter C. A few iterations, et voila. I wanted to maintain the Contently blue and I was playing with the angle a bit before they decided on the lower right view.
Iteration Process